Muller Attorneys Ltd represents national and regional motor carriers, local owner-operators, and their insurers in general liability matters, including claims arising from major motor vehicle accidents. We also represent our local school and county bus systems in accident litigation. We are available 24/7 to respond to major truck or bus accidents (912-695-7004 or 912-398-9560), whether the potential claims are for catastrophic injury or property damage. We secure material evidence, engage reconstruction consultants, locate and interview eyewitnesses, and work with claims administrators to resolve claims or, when necessary, defend lawsuits. Our lawyers participate in several national transportation law associations, including the Trucking Industry Defense Association, the Transportation Lawyers Association, the DRI Trucking Law Committee, and the Northwest Arkansas Transportation Seminar.
As the Port of Savannah continues to expand its import/export operations, Muller Attorneys Ltd has expanded its services to represent many of the businesses that have set up transportation, warehouse and third-party logistics operations in the region. This work includes handling cargo loss claims, warehouse contracts and employment issues, and broker liability exposures. Our real estate and corporate lawyers also advise businesses in the logistics arena with respect to warehouse development and rental agreements, insurance, and corporate acquisitions.